Monday, October 20, 2014

Outline for the Second Term Paper

I.                 Introduction
 A.       A law of physics that are very popular and fun to play with: Action/Reaction
 B.       Bending the physics law of Action/Reaction can create dramatic or hilarious scenes
 C.    To make the scenes believable we need to understand the real face of the law of Action/Reaction

II.              Body
A.        To emphasize the gorgeous fighting skills of a character, the recoil of the character is eliminated as much as possible.
   -Kung-fu Panda
   -Create a dramatic scene.
B.         In an action, there are incorrect timing and resulting accelerations based on the characters’ mass.
   -Tom And Jerry
   -Create a hilarious scene.
C.         When a character is exerting a super strong force over something else, the character needs a same magnitude of force from the opposite direction to support the character.
   -Kung-fu Hustle
   -Create a scene that is both dramatic and hilarious.
III.           Conclusion
A.               Even though bending the law of action/reaction can result in dramatic and hilarious scene, we as animator should be aware of it by not pushing it too much.
B.                It is still so fun to play with it.

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